Sunday, May 31, 2009

Any advise?

lmao I swear I have the BEST friends in the world.
Lol I just realized my titles went from one extreme to another. Well today was pretty uneventful, I went to work, came home, and hung out with a good friend of mine. All in all a pretty average day, (hey maybe that should be the title for average day! haha) Anyways, I've got a little bit of a problem on my hands, see there's this guy that likes me but I reallllly don't like him back. We went out once and unfortunately he turned out to be RIDICULOUSLY unintelligent, had a lame sense of humor, and his conversation skills were less then average. I know that you're thinking "just tell him you don't like him" but really it's not that easy. I'm not the kind of person to just say "hey buddy sorry, but I don't like you" I'm sure I can thank the fact that I know how much it sucks when that happens. I don't initiate conversation, and when he talks to me it's one worded responses, and when he says something that requires me to add on a bit more, it's not like I'm even being nice to him but for some reason he just doesn't seem to get the hint!! So I'm not sure what I should do, I don't want to tell him straight up that I don't like him because it hasn't gotten to the point where he's actually said " I like you" but I can safely say if I don't stop him from liking me it WILL get to that point. I'm thinking, maybe just act like a total nut job next time I see him? You know, talk about our future together, how many kids we'll have, where we'll get married, where we'll live... and maybe even act like I have poor manners the whole night. Maybe I can scare him off?! Ha ha not the BEST idea but I bet it'd be funny. Any ideas?? I'd love to hear them.

xoxo Danielle

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Great day!!

this girly is the best
Alrighty SO here's a recap of what happened... it was an awesome day imo. Went and got a tattoo at 9:30 and I think it turned out amazing! When I get pictures of it I will definitely show you!! After that I picked up my best friend (who just got back from Italy =D) and we went and brought some people I work with coffee. **Please note one of them was the cutie I have a little crush on ha ha** After that we went back to my house to watch Bride Wars, and then went out to dinner. Theeeen I came home a crashed haha. Unfortunately my knee is still killing me, and I have to work at 1:30 today boo!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Horrible day

So yesterday I was at my baseball game and I decided to be all stupid and slide into home. Now normally this would not be a problem, had it not rained the day before. So the ground was all wet and had no give what so ever, and I did not think about this so I decided to slide. AND GUESS WHAT?!! Something happened, my leg twisted and I fucked up my knee super bad!! Now, I can barely walk on it, sleeping sucks because I can't put any pressure on it so I have to try and sleep on my back and that blows!! So I had to call into work today, I can't go to dinner with one of my best friends after her grad, and I can't go and visit my best friend who just got back from Italy yesterday. HOPEFULLY she comes and sees me!! Anyways, what i'm trying to get at here is im tired but I can't sleep, I'm stuck in bed ALL DAY and I'm hungry as fuck.